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Say Good-Bye to Annoying Fleas with These Methods

Say Good-Bye to Annoying Fleas with These Methods

Say Good-Bye to Annoying Fleas with These Methods: Fleas feed on a large variety of warm-blooded vebrants, including cats, dogs and humans. On this pages you will find all the information you need to get rid of Fleas. Yes, they do bite humans, as they helped spread diseases generations ago. They need a source of disease to spread it, and on this day there is no source of disease because they are wingless and it’s not a virtual problem, so don’t stress out.
Seemingly mosquitoes and flies are more dangerous than Fleas because, mosquitoes and flies have wings and that help them to get a disease from far away and bring it to you.
If you have a dog, cat or any vertebrates animals you should be aware if they are infected. You could get infected too by fleas. They are wingless but they could spread a disease that is already in your home.
Don’t panic, in the market there are several Flea controls. Are easy to use, cheap and some of them are non-toxic for human and animals.
Flea Flogger: Is a small aerosol canister that contains a chemical called ”insecticide”. Is the easiest product to use because you only have to release one of them in each regular sized room to kill the fleas. You have to be aware that this method is effective but toxic for humans and pets. Once you use the product you should leave the room or the spaces you are bombing. They are fairly effective.
Safety warnings
• Flea bombs must not be used on your pets or human due to their toxic chemicals.
• Foggers/bombs are usually highly flammable. A flame or even a spark could cause a fire hazard.
• If a member in the family has an asthma problem, it could cause an attack, even days after the treatment.
• Make sure that exposed food, like fruit, are covered. The foggers could fall into the exposed food and could be lethal.
Steps for using the product
• Vacuum the house. This make the fleas active before treatment, ensuring a success rate for eradicating them.
• Turn the electricity off. Unplug everything at home.
• All toiletries must be stored and covered.The chemicals could fall on your brush, for example.
• Close and shut all windows to keep the product working as long as possible.
• Plants should be taken away the home, due the poison can damage them.
• Read the back label and follow the instruction carefully.
Recommended brands: Bolfo andArdap. These are excellent brands, cheap, easy-to-use and quality
Now that you have cleaned your house, it’s time to clean the source of fleas:your lovely pets
Don’t worry, this is not going to be a painful or traumatic treatment for your pet, and no, you’re not going to spray or fog them with a canister of chemicals.
Spot-on: This products is excellent for our pets. With just one dose, it provides months of protection against potentially harmful parasites, including fleas. The treatment is easy and quick to apply: pouring a small amount of oily fluid directly on the skin of your pet. After 10-14 hours of application, almost 100% of all fleas will be killed.
How do I apply this treatment to my pet?
Apply the liquid in each dose directly to the skin between pet’s shoulders.If it is a big dog, apply it in several spots. The product is waterproof, so don’t worry, you can bath your dog or can fetch a ball thrown into a pond.
If your household is home to both dogs and cats, be sure to keep your cats and dogs separate for at least 12 hours.
An excellent brand for this is the world-wide famous Frontline Katze.

Post Navi

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