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7 dangerous phrases that can not be said to the chef

7 dangerous phrases that can not be said to the chef

7 dangerous phrases that can not be said to the chef

7 dangerous phrases that can not be said to the chef: Behind our words lies our essence. Let's see how, due to rash phrases, not to shift your careerreference point for the worse.
Below we have selected a list of 7 phrases that should not be used categorically with your leader. You can check!

1. "Ah .. and oh .."

Ordinary sighs are not always perceived by the chef as a true perplexity. In such a sigh, he may suspect your aggression or discontent, even if you did not mean anything prejudicial.

2. "They don’t pay me for this .."

Having said such a phrase once, you will become, if not the enemy of your leader, then at least leave the ranks of his like-minded people for a very long time, if not forever. Given the current situation on the market, everyone seeks to maintain a job by tackling any job. Do not “pull the whiskers” of your boss, thereby prophesying a short fate for himself in his company.

3. "I had so great a weekend break .."

Your excessive openness and emotionality can play a cruel joke with you, even if your intentions were only to take the friendly step with the boss. No familiarity with the leader! Discuss your personal successes only with friends. At work, full of officialdom.

4. "I will add your account as a friend .."

In addition to putting yourself in a stupid position, you are also introducing the boss into the same situation. Even if he really has an account in social networks, you should not demonstrate your knowledge about this. Not all managers are ready to share their personal lives with subordinates and even more so add them as friends.

5. "Oh, it's that simple .."

The indulgence that goes through these words can cause confusion or an opinion about you as an incompetent employee. Any situation you have not analyzed that you are in a hurry to give an answer to may cast doubt on your professionalism.
6. "This is not my responsibility .."
If you decide to drop such a phrase, I think the wise chef will find you a bunch of arguments about those cases that certainly are not part of your responsibilities in the form of smoke breaks, coffee breaks out of time, freezes in social networks or just chatter about anything. Therefore, do not get excited. Many employees sometimes have to perform completely non-duties. And this is the collective solidarity that leaders value.
7. "This is impossible at all .."
In fact, for the boss there are no impossible tasks, and if he instructed you something, then he does not doubt your competence. Do not undermine his confidence. At least you need to make an effort. To work out the task and if the solution really has not been found, then provide him with a list of measures that you have carefully applied to solve the problem.
A competent analysis of your own speech will allow you to gain not only career growth, but also increase self-esteem. After all, not everyone is able to consciously create their fate with the help of phrases.

Post Navi

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