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What will you do after retirement

What will you do after retirement

What will you do after retirement

What will you do after retirement?: When you are little, everyone asks you what you want to become when you grow up. And big, that would mean about 30 years old. But, no one asks what you want to do / become when you retire.
Not long ago, posters of a social campaign with the message "Old age is not a sentence" or "You have time, I only love" were displayed in Chisinau, which means that retirement should not be the limit where our ambitions and aspirations end.
In Moldova, men retire at the age of 62, and women at 57. The interesting part is different. According to Index Mundi, the life expectancy at birth of Moldovans is 69.81 years. Where men live 65.64 years, and women - 73.63 years.


what you do after retirement / What is the best thing to do after retirement?

From the statistics of retirement age and life expectancy at birth, we see that men manage to live on average 3 years after retirement, and women - 16. De facto, the life expectancy at retirement age of Moldovan women is 21, 45 years old, and men 14.19.
What do we want to do during this time? As I traveled through the states, I saw a 98-year-old woman from Vietnam coming to see the Grand Canyon. In Italy, a very nice old man served us with Risotto from his restaurant. And in Frankfurt I saw couples of old women in love walking hand in hand past Maine.


How can I enjoy my life after retirement?

I would like to be able to do what I like when I retire (over 39 years old). To write a book, to travel, to change my profession, or something else that makes me happy to live.
Of course, you would tell me that they are bourgeois, because the people of Moldova, with the pension they have, barely manage to exist. True, but doesn't that depend on the choices we make when we are young? And not just individual choices, but choices as a people.


what should you do before retirement / things to do when you retire early

According to the April 2013 Public Opinion Barometer , 73% of Moldovans are dissatisfied with what the state is doing in the area of ​​pensions. And the satisfaction rate has dropped from about 18% a few years ago to 2.5% now.
Is this the fact that Moldova is taking steps to stop being a state with socialist policy, or that Moldovans should think about what they will do in their old age. The Pay as you go pension system does not make you feel that you are responsible for your own future, because you know that, just as you now do not want to pay the social fund to the state, so others after you will not pay. That is why envelopes are often used in salaries.
In addition, Moldovans work in Europe, but due to asynchronous systems and the few bilateral acts signed in this field, they remain without a pension.
According to the same Barometer, 2% of the population of Moldova considers that if we approach the European Union, including with the signing of the Vilnius Treaty, then the pensions and salaries of Moldovans will increase. Moreover, any work will be accounted for in the years worked.


What pension do Europeans have?

In the top of pensions in the European Union is Luxembourg, with a pension of 3,000 Euros per month. Moldova has an agreement with Luxembourg, so if you work there, you will have a Luxembourg pension.
In the top are: Greece, Denmark, France or Italy.
Towards the end of the top 27, we see the countries newly entered the EU, for example: Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Bulgaria and Romania. Even so, a pension of almost 200 Euros is hard to see in Moldova now. For some, salaries are like that.
So, in 39 years, if Moldova were in the Top of these countries, I might have a happy pension.


Pension in the CIS

According to data from 2011 (when the population of Moldova was more satisfied with the pension), Moldova is on the 7th place among the CIS states, in terms of pension size. This is a pension 3 times lower than the lowest pension in the European Union.
And if we mix the tops, No. 1 in the CIS top would be only 26th in the European Union. Then the question is, where do we want retirement?


Because my pension, not mine, but of my descendants, my descendants

I want the citizens of Moldova to ask themselves more often, what they want to become when they retire. This is how life will not end when the system demands it, but when nature calls you.
In the Public Opinion Barometer there should be the question: What pension does you want, at least 145 Euros or at least 24 Euros? This gives a clearer picture of what the West has to offer and what the rest has to offer.
In the European Union, the pension does not only come from the state, and the share of private pensions increases, which offers the security of the citizen, knowing that his money will also reach him.
And when you make a long-term decision, calculate rationally and calculate for yourself.

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